Thursday, 29 May 2014


Baba while you were away, I read the Animal Farm. I read to establish how it can be used as a case study text for teaching organizational behavior. And Baba, I realized it can work. 

Baba I plan to use it soon, looking at Manor Farm as an organisation that is going through leadership change then analyze the different opportunities and challenges it goes through.

But Baba I must say, as I read it, I felt like you and Snowball are one and the same. I felt like you were there when Major dreamt of the revolution, or perhaps you dreamt it with him. I have no doubt you were one of the most intelligent of the pigs and that even as Major was dying he was not disappointed to see you pick up the baton.

Baba, I must say, you and Napoleon were doing a good job after Major's death. Actually Baba, I give you tribute for dreaming about the windmill. That was your idea, and it was a perfect one. 

But now Baba let me tell you where you have been failing. You have been lacking tactic. Either for the present or the future. For instance, let me ask you, how could you not see that as you were dreaming about the windmill, Napoleon, was thinking about how to oust you for being a worthy competitor. Behold he fed the puppies, as you continued dreaming. When they were fully grown beasts, he used them for the second revolution - against you. 

Baba, you should have thought of practical leadership tactics. Not dreaming only. 

Now Baba, and this is where I think you are Snowball proper. Everything that goes wrong at the Animal Farm, it is you who has caused it. Oh my, I want to laugh. Even when the female gender can't conceive because the male gender isn't playing its role at the farm, it is you. 

Baba, you are such an enigma. But look, you don't go beyond that. Enigma. Baba, think a little bit smatter. Think tactically. Learn how to look for your own version of the puppies, feed them for heaven's sake and use them to gain control of the Animal Farm.

Mean while, Animal Farm is on its way to becoming Manor Farm, where it started. I would have wished to see you in control. But again, you are Snowball. You are nowhere. You were ousted a long time ago. What we live with is the fear of your ghost.

Still, welcome back, Baba. While you were away, I read Animal Farm.

Monday, 19 May 2014

If the world gives you a lemon, don't pick it...

I am sure you have heard of the statement, "if the world gives you a lemon, make lemonade out of it." So wrongly overused is this statement that I am of the view it has contributed to the crash of a number of us. 

So today I am talking to you requesting for your support to trash it. After all it should have no place in our lives.

When life gives you a lemon, you should not make lemonade out of it. You should give it back its lemon, and demand for something better. Demand for an orange or an apple. Or just anything, even a water melon, but don't accept the lemon. It is not what you deserve.

I am of the view that accepting to make lemonade out of the lemon is to resign to fate. It is to say either consciously or unconsciously, "oh poor me there is nothing I can do about it. Let me accept and move on." 

Well, I am not talking about denying reality. To do so would be to refuse that in life "shit happens." And we all agree that it happens.

What we therefore need to realize is that when the above happens it falls us from our revered position. It takes us a scale or several scales down from the glory that we are. Once this happens life then feels superior in giving us lemons and by accepting them we accept to do nothing to return to our previous positions.

I am writing to ask you to refuse those lemons. I repeat, you don't deserve a lemon. You deserve an orange or something better. Even a pawpaw. 

By refusing to pick the lemon, for the lemonade, you are asking yourself, "what did I do for the world to think I deserve a lemon?" You are asking yourself, "what can I do to go back to my original position?" Ultimately, you are reminding yourself of the need to pick up your pieces and going back to your original position.

A number of us have been resigning to fate every time we are faced with challenges in life. We keep on accepting lemons and consequently we have been making gallons after gallons of lemonade. This is not good. It needs to change.

I am writing to light up your recovery path. I am writing to wish you something better than a lemon in your life. 

But I implore you to remind the world you don't deserve a lemon. If it gives you one, don't pick it, hit it on its face with it and ask for what you deserve.